
Dominic Sellar & Co
First Floor
102 Bath Street
Glasgow G2 2EP
Our Helpsheets
Mobile Phone Helpsheet
Your mobile phone is buzzing away in your pocket and you know that you shouldn’t check it.. But the lights are still red and no one’s moving. You’ll just check it quickly then stick it straight back in your pocket. It might be an important call. You wiggle your iPhone out of your pocket and…
Careless Driving Helpsheet
The kids are screaming from the back seat, the phone is buzzing in your pocket and you’re trying to remember what you were supposed to pick up from the store on your way home from work.. Just about every driver has at one point or another driven without due care and attention. It’s near impossible…
Dangerous Driving Helpsheet
Have you ever taken a chance in traffic that you probably shouldn’t have? Whether you are consciously aware that you’re taking a risk or fully confident that you’re in control, the police do not always agree. Dangerous driving is one of the most common charges in Scotland and sees thousands of people called into court…
The Court Process
The Court Process for Road Traffic Cases in Scotland Attending court can be a daunting and stressful experience, particularly if it is your first encounter with the criminal justice system. However, understanding the procedure and what to expect can significantly ease your concerns and help you navigate the process more confidently. This guide will walk…